Thursday, 27 September 2012

Persuasive Essays Topics on Abortion

Abortion is one of the subjects that have elicited hot debates on its legality and illegality globally. It affects both adults and students in school. Therefore, persuasive essays topics on abortion becomes a good platform that tutors or different examiners can use to evaluate and sharpen critical thinking skills of their students.
Teenagers as young as thirteen are contemplating on the subject. Their parents are also not spared. This is because teenage pregnancies arise from child molestation. As such, it is paramount that persuasive essays topics on abortion also form part of elementary persuasive essay topics students can write on.
If you are a teacher and do not know what persuasive essays topics on abortion you can assign to your students, there are reliable sources from the internet. Since controversial issues generate debate with every passing minute, it is important to stay hooked to the media (T.V, magazines, news papers, radio stations, social media etc) to know the most recent developments on the topic. {Follow link for paper writing services}
In addition to addressing abortion as a possible source for competitive elementary persuasive essay topics, tutors should assign students elementary persuasive essay topics that affect their day to day’s life. It will increase their awareness and help them develop a critical mind. The topics should touch on environment, health, studies, interacting with different persons etc. Below are examples of persuasive essays topics on abortion and elementary persuasive essay topics:
  • Women should be allowed to abort pregnancies they get out of a rape incident
  • It is acceptable to abort a pregnancy if a fetus has an incurable disease
  • Abortion should not be legalized because life starts at conception
  • Abortion should only be allowed when the life of the expectant mother or the fetus is in danger
  • Computer games have resulted to an individualistic society instead of a communal society
  • Technology has more harm than good
  • Reporting to school later in the morning will improve the performance of students because they will have enough rest
  • It is not important to wear school uniforms unless going for a school visit
  • Animals should be allowed to live in their natural habitat instead of zoos
  • Growing in the traditional family is better than growing up in a single-parents family
  • Importance of participating in community work
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